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Indiana Utility Regulatory Commission to hold important Public Hearings on proposal to build controversial coal to gas plant in Rockport April 18, April 20 and April 25.

Indiana’s scandalous Utility Regulatory Commission has announced three hearings to take public testimony on the controversial proposal to build a coal to gas plant in Rockport, Indiana, a town already inundated with toxic pollution.

The hearings will take place beginning at 5:30 PM local time in West Lafayette on April 18 at the West Lafayette High School, in Jasper on April 20 at the Jasper Middle School and on April 25 in Indianapolis at the Glick Indiana History Center at 450 West Ohio Street.

These hearings are the only chance that Indiana residents will have to “officially” protest the dubious arrangement which makes the State of Indiana interfere in the free market that controls the price of natural gas by becoming the sole customer of the plant. In turn, Indiana natural gas customers will be forced to purchase the synthetic gas from the facility at prices which are projected by the Federal government and most experts to cost significantly more than than the price of natural gas.

That is why all the gas utilities of the state are opposing the contract the state has entered into with a New York based hedge fund named Leucadia National. Also, intervening to oppose this unwarranted intrusion into private markets are a coalition of environmental and consumer groups including Valley Watch, Sierra Club, Citizens Action Coalition and the Spencer County Citizens for Quality of Life.

Download CAC Fact Sheet on Project and Hearings