National Academy of Science-Manmade Earthquakes and Energy Technologies

CCSAugust 27, 2013- Video from the National Academies. Editorial is intimately involved in the whole issue of Carbon Capture and Storage and in fact is taking a leadership position on seeking to make sure that a process called “enhanced oil recovery” or EOR is not allowed to be considered Carbon Capture and Storage since in most cases, the oil gotten through the injection of CO2 into these underground caverns to extract oil results in more CO2 ultimately reaching the atmosphere than is actually sequestered for more than a thousand years. 

This video is a joint project by the National Research Council and the US Department of Energy.

About 60% of the energy consumed in the United States come from fluids pumped from the ground. Activities related to producing this energy, including conventional oil and gas drilling, hydraulic fracturing, geothermal energy production, and underground disposal of wastewater, has been linked to a small number manmade earthquakes. This new video, based upon Induced Seismicity Potential in Energy Technologies (NRC, 2013), examines the science behind manmade seismic activity and discusses practices that can help reduce risks.

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