January 30, 2012-by John Blair, valley watch.net editor.
Sure crocuses have bloomed in January before and mild weather has marked previous winters in the Tri-State, but it seems that everyone is talking these days bout the fact that even in January, extended periods of mild, even warm weather has engulfed the region for most of this winter. And for the next few days, the weather is supposed to be even warmer.
What will that do to the numerous plants that are already emerging from their winter cover of soil, especially if things turn more conventional and it gets cold outside again? Whatever the outcome, it sure was nice seeing flowers in the Valley Watch garden again so I could use my new pocket Pentax WG-1 to shoot some macro shots of the emergence of Spring.
When we actually start to live climate change, how many millinea will it take to
reverse it? Here in my own tri-state community over the past few years, I have witnessed : three tornadoes, the Newburgh tornado was the forth deadliest in
american history, a hurricane from the gulf that blew my roof off and an ice
storm that shut down the entire state of Kentucky.
We , as a community may still be asleep but let their be no mistake, we are living with
climate change.